Welcome! Ready to dive into discovering your change journeys?

It's time...

Change is a natural process and some people only find that what that process is when they read Stop Flocking Around: What Alex the Albatross Can Teach You About Navigating Change

Whether you have found this page from within the books pages, or a friend poked you about it, you likely have questions. 

The most common questions are: What is the change process? and What the heck is a Book Change Club? Let's answer them both!

As you scroll, you find the answers to these questions, details about this Book Change Club, your facilitator(s) bios, and FAQs too. 

About Change...

An excerpt from Stop Flocking Around

"Change happens. It feels crazy, like there is no rhyme or reason to it. We are ticking along in our normal life and, by choice or by circumstance, suddenly everything is different.

That’s change and it happens all the time, to all of us. Sometimes the changes are tiny and fast. Sometimes they are huge and can take a week, a month, a year, or a lifetime. One thing we know is that we all have multiple changes going on at once—all in different stages.

What if we told you that there is a process for change? An actual map that you can use to orient yourself and predict the next steps?

Imagine the change process like a journey. There are landmarks, updrafts, and crosswinds along the way. We also have our own internal compass to guide us. All helpful . . . if you have a map.

Whew! Do you feel better already?

Without the map, the landmarks and updrafts and crosswinds just look like part of the chaotic landscape, and our internal compass seems to wing around in circles. When we know there is a map and can identify where we are on it, the landmarks and updrafts begin to make sense. We can expect the crosswinds and fly straight into them."

What the heck is a Navigate Your Change Program?

Great Question! This idea came from our focus group members and has grown in popularity, to the point it has become a key offering from Simply Karen for 2022.

People are starting to realize that change is so much easier with a map and a flock. Over 9 weeks, our trained expert facilitators will guide you through mapping the changes going on in your world, deepen discussions on the topics covered  in the book, and celebrate with you as you complete change and reclaim that energy back into your life! 

We love offering what has been asked for repeatedly and already has had key input - we love that these are alive with our readers transforming themselves! 

Details for this Navigate Your Change 9-week Program

Nine Weeks

Time: Wednesdays from 12 - 1 pm ET. Dates: Nov 9, 16, 23, 30, Dec 7, 14, 21, Jan 4 & 11 Location: Virtual at Alex's Meeting Place (link is at the top of your screen and will pop into your inbox each week)

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Message from Karen & Karen

    2. 7 Elements of an Amazing Co-Created Experience

    3. Message From Your Facilitators

    4. Messages from Previous Participants

    5. Stop Flocking Around: What Alex the Albatross Can Teach You About Navigating Change: Digital Download

    1. How to use this Learning Platform

    2. Navigating Your Resources

    3. Make Yourself at Home in Your Community

    4. Live Welcome Zoom Call Recording

    5. Before we begin...

    1. Welcome to Week 1

    2. Introducing the Change Journey Process

    3. Your Task: The Change Journey Discovery Assessment

    4. Test Your Learning So Far

    5. Facilitated Session Week 1

    1. Welcome to Week Two

    2. Task 1: Map Three COMPLETED Changes

    3. Task 2: Map Three OPEN Changes

    4. Test Your Learning So Far

    5. Facilitated Session Week 2

    1. Week Three Overview

    2. The Journey Continues

    3. What to Expect This Week

    4. Your Tasks This Week

    5. Exercise: Moving from Isolation to Resourcing (Team Awesome Part 1)

    6. Facilitated Session Week 3

    1. Week Four Overview

    2. The Journey Continues - Some Timely Advice

    3. What to Expect This Week

    4. Your Task This Week

    5. The Karens introduce the Team Awesome Mini-Training

    6. Team Awesome Mini Training (Your Top 5 and Beyond)

    7. Facilitated Session Week 4

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

This Navigate Your Change Program Begins Wed Nov 9th

Enrol and get access to the Welcome modules immediately

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Pricing options

Prices include HST

Your Expert Facilitators

Karen is a bright light, full of energy and enthusiasm (and some well-placed cursing). Guiding her clients to wholeness through relationships, communication and health, Karen is all about digging in and being uncomfortable in the moment for the brilliance of the change.

Karen Hicks


Your Expert Facilitators

Nancy Rose is the Energy Optimizer. She is passionate about helping other entrepreneurs and professionals to release tension from their bodies, elevate their energy, and activate their creative brilliance. Using the ancient energy art known as Qigong (a moving meditation) and evidence-based neuroscience she helps empower her clients to stay connected with their authentic power and share their magnificence with the world with more ease and flow.

Nancy Rose



Your source for the answers to your amazing questions

  • Are the sessions recorded?

    The Navigate Your Change Program facilitated sessions are recorded. In case you miss one, the main room sessions will be recorded and uploaded to your program. Also, we use them for training purposes. All or portions of the videos will not be made public.

  • What if I need to miss a session?

    It happens. Even when you fully commit to a program, unforeseen things can pop up. We insist that you attend the first session where you are meeting and creating the foundations for your 9 weeks together. The training is provided in the course between sessions so, you may just need to ask any questions you have solely in the community if cannot attend one of the sessions.

  • Do I need to purchase a copy of the book first?

    Although Karen and Karen would love for everyone to have their very own copy, they have generously provided a pdf copy inside of the Book Change Club course. They wanted it to be accessible to everyone taking the program.

  • I have a question not answered here

    Send us an email at [email protected] and we will get you an answer as soon as possible.

Want to be notified of future Navigate Your Change Programs?

Karen & Karen are available for speaking, private Navigate Your Change programs, and to answer any of your other questions - email us [email protected]

Thank You