Graceful Change Starts with a Map
CourseChange can feel hard and confusing. In this mini-course, you will understand how the Change Journey works, where you are on it and how to navigate more gracefully.
Reader Resources for Stop Flocking Around! What Alex the Albatross Can Teach You About Navigating Change
Flock 10 Navigate Your Change Community
CommunityWelcome to Navigate Your Change 9-Week Program! Stop Flocking Around: What the Alex the Albatross Can Teach You About Navigating Change is about to get real in your world. All communications outside of your weekly live session, will happen here.
Stop Flocking Around: Navigate Your Change Alumni
CoursePeople are starting to realize that change is so much easier with a map and a flock. Leverage this Alumni Course to guide you as you map changes going on in your world, deeper discussions on the topics covered in the book, and celebrations!
Level Up: Leadership Capacity Builder - Coaching Supplement
CourseNext-level leaders know building capacity levels up their resilience and impact. Uncover a simple, systematic framework that allows you to integrate the learning into your daily life and create the future you want.
Facilitator Training Bundle
BundleEverything you need to facilitate Navigate Your Change 9-Week Programs with confidence.